Ubermütter’s Death Dance
Blazevox Books
Forthcoming Spring 2016
Sisyphus My Love (To Record A Dream In A Bathtub) (Buffalo, NY: BlazeVox Books, 2009).
"Once there was a time, before this and before that, a time of metaphoric remembrances and repetitions, virtual rehearsals ... Funny outrageous dark dreams are real, wherein a smaller point size of type determines infinities ... the radical 'I' was an Orpheus who did not turn around but instead rhymes 'bleak' with 'chic.' Suddenly there are gorgeous enhanced images ... the encounter is like no other Sisyphus." -- Norma Cole
Ask Any Mermaid. Tout Court Editions, Tenement Press (2008 – chapbook). Originally published in Sonaweb 3 (Spring 2005).
Mentioned in Aldon Nielson's Heat String Theory:
In the Winter of My Paris. (Poetry Video.) Red Fez No. 76 (March 2015).
"Marianne." Part 1 of In the Winter of My Paris.(Poetry Video.) Part 1 of In the Winter of My Paris. Featured on Poetry Seen (March 2015).
“Song of the Deadbeat.” Promethean 14 (2013).
"Not/Night." With photographs by the author. Yew Journal (December 2012).
"Ubermütter's Digital Holograph (The Colorless Light of Emptiness)." Poetry in Performance, 40 (2012): 167-170.
"Yellow." Poetry video. Madhatter Review, 13 (2012With introduction, entitled, "Making Yellow": 10 paragraphs.
"Motion Picture Studies," "The Day the World Ends," "Paris in the Springtime" (poetry text with choreography), "The Slow Boat to China(town)," Esque, 1.2 (2012): 10 pp. Ebook format.
Blue – in Memoriam (Paul Daniel Lyon aka Vickers B. Gringo, 1978-2010).” Poets for Living Waters (October 2, 2010): https://poetsgulfcoast.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/blue-by-laura-hinton-in-memoriam-paul-daniel-lyon-aka-vickers-b-gringo-1978-2010-2/
“Passing.” Poetry in Performance, 39. (2011).
“In the Garden” and “To Record a Dream in a Bathtub.” Promethean, 10 (2007).
Ask Any Mermaid. Tout Court Editions, Tenement Press (2008 – chapbook). Originally published in Sonaweb 3 (Spring 2005).
“Ballad of the Bones (or, Edith Contemplates Her Bone Loss),” Stretching Panties Magazine, 1.1 (May 2008).
“June 15.” (From series “As Experience.”) In Poetic Voices Without Borders. Ed. Robert L. Giron (Arlington, VA: Gival , 2005): 63.
“‘No. 25 (Dirge)’ from ‘Winter Dreams.’ ” Feminist Studies 31.1 (Spring 2005): 194-198. [Refereed.“‘No. 22 (In Translation)’ from ‘Winter Dreams.’ ”
“‘No 24 (These Boots Are Made)’ and ‘No. 22 (In Translation)’ from ‘Winter Dreams.'" NthPosition (May 2004): http://www.nthposition.com/fromwinterdreams.php
“The Daughter’s Crime.” How2 9 (Spring 2003): 6 pp.
“Saturday, June 7, 2003." (From blog-poem series “This Summer.”) How2 2.1 (Spring 2003).
“June 11,” June 12,” and “June 22" (from series “As Experience”). Bird Dog Magazine 3 (Spring 2003): 30-32.
"Caretaker." The Intima: Journal of Narrative Medicine (September 2013): http://www.theintima.org.
“The Hole I Cannot See: Smoke and Fragments from New York City.” In September 11, 2001: American Writers Respond.. Ed. William Heyen (Easton, MA: Etruscan P); rpt. in How2 1.8 (Fall 2002): https://www.asu.edu/pipercwcenter/how2journal/archive/online_archive/v1_8_2002/current/forum/hinton.htm
"Poetry in Performance -- poetry video/music/choreography/text." A poet’s theater event at the National Poetry Foundation Conference of the '80's. Readers/performers included: Evie Shockley, Catherine Wagner, Linda Russo, Aldon Nielson, and Laura Hinton (University of Maine, Orono -- June 2012).